Struggles within society

Sometimes I feel like I am not ready for the rest of the world.

Society has it's limitations and restrictions which comes with a checklist of adaptations and rules that govern most aspects of have to look the part, act the part, behave a certain way...and if you don't meet the criteria, you're out! You're a freak, you're weird. You don't belong.
What happens if you're a high functioning autistic individual? you're so close to being accepted, but you know you can only pretend for so long and when the script runs out or you become overwhelmed by your senses and social activity, you're screwed. And before you know it, you've bad a meltdown and blown your cover. Now everyone just thinks you're weird.
Rejection. And I know it so well.
Countless times I have tried and failed because trying to conform to societal norms is hard. People are expectant. But I am atypical. I don't understand half of the stuff expected of me. Despite my want to fit in most of my life, I find it truly bizarre how in order to find acceptance, you must conform....and it feels as though the only way of me ever achieving this is by not having a neurodevelopmental disorder, Which is impossible...and fucking ridiculous (you can't cure the fundaments of my personality).
So You have two choices;
You can pretend and fool people with your facade everyday which is exhausting and a pointless exercise because your denying yourself of self-acceptance and potential happiness...
...or you can raise awareness and hope that little by little, we can keep decreasing the level of ignorance and help people to understand that being different is not a bad thing. So let's break those misconceptions and stereotypical views of autism. We are not all Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory!
My daily struggles of being on the spectrum are invalidated due to my 'normal' exterior, but you see, autism has no 'Look' and every single autistic person differs from the rest. Any colour, any race, any background. Anyone can be autistic.
Despite the hardship, despite the constant chaos of my scattered brain and my inability to function as a human being most of the time along with the painful process of a meltdown...none of what I've mentioned here is the most difficult part.
The most difficult part of autism is ignorance. Ignorance accompanied by negativity and invalidation, working alongside eachother and feeding your self-hatred. I have been plagued by low self-esteem and feelings of worthlessness because of ignorance which has lead to dark places I ever even knew existed.
So why am I telling you this?
Because enough is enough.
I put it all on show. So you can see me. The REAL autistic me. The true representation of myself, baring all, my naked mind for everyone to see, unmasked and unashamed.
I am tired of the facade. Tired of the exhaustion from the constant rejection. This mask is a heavy burden.
I no longer fight for acceptance for the false me. I don't want to hide anymore.
If I can't accept myself, how can I expect others to accept me?
I have come to realise that it is not me that isn't ready for the rest of the world.
It is the rest of the world that isn't ready for me.
So let's stop with the ignorance. Lets educate more people. Be patient with those who make the time and find courage and strength to achieve the simplest of tasks that people take for granted, like being able to converse.
The struggle of autism is very real.
We don't want a cure.

We want acceptance.


    I was always praying to have a testimony when ever i saw people sharing their own testimonies which really took me years but today i am the happiest father on earth.My son suffered autism for 5 years, after taken different kind of western medication without been cured.All these years my son was like a death person but today he is been cured.and you do not know how i feel having my son back to normal because it was not really easy for me having just two son and one been abnormal.I took time to search the internet which i found a lot of people thanking Dr. williams concerning the same problem and i discussed it with my wife and she agreed we should give a try so we order his product which my son took for 28 days and he is very much okay now.I will advise you to stop wasting time on all these western medicine because they only work for some times and the problem bounce back again.Contact for advice and for his product and be the next to give your testimony.

    my son have been a patient of autism . I had tried a lot of anti viral med prescribed to me by doctors over how many years now but I could not see any improvements in my son symptoms. One day when going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people from autism,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for my son which i received and he used it as instructed by dr williams. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. the speech delay and the poor eye contact stopped, I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from can contact him through his email on advice and for his product THANKS TO YOU ONCE AGAIN ADMIN FOR SUCH AN INFORMATIVE BLOG.

    My daughter suffered from autism for more than 2 years which we started experiencing in her when she turned 1 year and 5 months we all thought it will end but got even worse as days went by. We tried all several treatments and therapy prescribed by various doctors we met but to no avail, she lost total concentration and always complain of sensitivity to sound . She usually tells me she haves poor eyes contact. This were steady disorder that disrupted her entire life, even at night she slept less because of this.It was during a casual conversation with a friend that i learned about Dr Williams herbal medicine I was able to contact him on his email address. and give him all the necessary information that he needed,few day later he sent me the herbal portion and his medicine was able to restore her back to normal and she is very okay now without any side effects whatsoever. If you have autism, do not hesitate to contact him on for advice and for his product. I hope this also helps someone out there

  4. Sorry for my language here but are you fucking kidding me? A "doctor" saying he "cured" his abnormal son of autism with a herbal remedy?!??!? Autism isnt a fucking disease and doesn't need to be cured!! People like you are the ones that need a cure! Ffs!!!


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